
Weather you are an elementary, middle or high school language teacher, I am glad you made it here! On this website you will find teaching tips, strategies and resources to support your teaching journey.

latest from the blog

Visiting a Supermarket in Colombia

Every year when I travel to Colombia to visit my family, I try to take as many pictures and short videos as I can to share with my students in my classes. They are always curious to know about Colombia and always get very excited to see what I have to share with them....

14 of My Favorite Online Resources for Spanish Teachers

The internet has taken off as a tool and forum, used by many teachers to look for new ideas, share their expertise, support their units, and more. I have found many websites with great resources for Spanish teachers. Here are several of my favorites, in no particular...

ABC en Español

ABC en Español is a website created by Lauren Peacock,  a Spanish teacher  who writes her own songs and makes her own videos that go along with her songs. She has a great collection of resources for teachers to use with their students. To learn more about...


I am a Spanish teacher who travels to different classrooms. I carry a lot in my bags, and it can be a pain at times. This is when having a set of flashcards can be really handy, instead of lugging tons of heavy materials around! Plus, my students really enjoy playing...

Bilingual Books for Spanish Class!

I always love bringing literature to support my lessons during the middle of a unit or to end a unit. I have found it difficult to find books that are well written in English and Spanish. Sometimes the translations are not very relevant to the original text in Spanish...

Game: Tierra y Mar

This is a fun and short game to keep your class moving. I like using tape to divide the area and also pictures to clearly mark "tierra" (land) and "mar" (sea).  Have the class line up on one side and have them jump to where you say. If the child goes to the place...

And The Winners of The Noyo Spanish App Are…

Thank you so much for participating in the Noyo App download giveaway! The happy winners are...Terra Fewless  and Jessie Solomon Fox!You will get the code to download Noyo! You have 48 hours to contact me! Have fun playing and teaching with Noyo!Everyone...

Noyo: The Perfect App for Spanish Class!

Technology has become a great teaching tool that goes hand in hand with language learning. You often hear that language educators are using Skype, interactive boards, Google Earth to take virtual trips, and many more kinds of technology to support their curriculum.I...