I am extremely excited to share that I have partnered with Tabitha at FlapJack Education Resources for this freebie! I love all her materials and asked if we could combine forces to create this awesome giveaway for our Facebook “likers.”
You will be able to have one of my songs, “La Cancion de los Sentimientos,” and a set of printables to teach the song.
This is how it works:
1. Share via FB, Twitter, blogs, other social media, e-mails, etc.
3. Once I have reached the magic “500 Likers” number, I will publish the links where everyone can download the printables and song! There will be a limited time for the materials to be downloaded.
In a recent summer trip to Colombia, I had the opportunity to meet Freddy Morales, an early childhood educator who teaches music and movement classes to young children.
I had the opportunity to experience a class myself as a parent with my daughter who at that time was three years old. As a teacher of young children myself, I was impressed with how talented Freddy was in his ability to make connections with the children. Since I had a wonderful experience in his classes, I later discovered that he was teaching music and movement classes for babies at a learning center called Tralalá and happily enrolled my second child in a class just for babies! This time I learned that Freddy had his own music CD’s, and the main focus was to teach “music and movement” through multiple intelligences. My baby not only had a fun and educational time in his classes, but he also get to benefit from his music CD at home, where he dances to it in his high chair on a daily basis!
Freddy’s CD, “Mi Clase de Música”has 13 tracks, and each track is geared toward exploring one or more intelligences. This music CD also has a lot of repetition, something that is very important for young children. It includes some Colombian rhythms and is full of a lot of fun. I have used some of the songs with my own students and they enjoy this production a lot. This music CD has been recorded in Colombia and is only in Spanish, a plus if you are looking for authentic materials to bring to your classes or use at home with your children.
The Giveway!
We would like one of our Facebook “likers” to be the first one to get a copy. We will be giving away the “Mi Clase de Música” CD so you can sing our songs in your classroom with your students or at home with your child.
Here is how to enter: 1. First, make sure you like “us” and “Mi Clase de Música” on Facebook. 2. Once you know you are liking us on Facebook. 3. Like our link about the giveway on both pages “ours” and “Mi Clase de Música”.
4. Feel free to comment! We would love to hear from you!
Giveaway ends on January 31st, 2012 10:00 pm Eastern time
Only one entry per person. No anonymous entries are permitted. The winner will be chosen randomly. We will announce the winner on February 1, 2012. Entries submitted after 10:00 pm Eastern time are not valid. We will give the winner 48 hours to claim their prize. United States & Canada ONLY!
At this time of the school year we are looking for fun and quick lessons to use in our classrooms. This is very simple and provides you and your students with a window on a small piece of a very diverse culture.
Many towns and cities in Colombia have their own celebrations during the year. The last celebration of the year happens in Cali, the city where I grew up. Every year from December 25th to 30th the city hosts “La Feria de Cali“, a big celebration – like a carnival – that attracts people from different parts of the world. It is a celebration where the Caleño culture is on exhibit. From Salsa singers to horse lovers, there are many types of people and activities to celebrate, and it appeals to people of all ages. The city is decorated with big and beautiful lights, and every neighborhood gets ready to party and celebrate before the year ends. The first day of the Feria opens with a big Cabalgata (horseback parade). When the Cabalgata ends, people fan out to different spots in the city to dance and be with friends.
Every third Saturday in September, Colombia celebrates “El Día del Amor y la Amistad”. It’s a day to let family and friends know how much you love them and appreciate them. People usually give chocolates, cards, and flowers to friends and family members. In other cases, it’s also an excuse to party and get together to celebrate (Colombians tend to be pretty good at finding reasons to enjoy each other’s company!). What a great moment to bring a cultural celebration to your classroom. I have created a coloring page with a heart ready to use in your classroom this week. For this activity, bring a map to your class, and invite your children to find the country where they live, and then to find Colombia. Introduce the colors of the Colombian flag and then color in the heart using those colors.
Click on picture to print coloring page
You can take this as an opportunity to introduce simple sentences to express gratitude and love:
Feliz Día del Amor y la Amistad Amigos por siempre Tú eres mi mejor amigo/a. Te quiero