Every year in February, the city of Barranquilla, Colombia hosts one of the most beautiful carnivals in the world: El Carnaval de Barranquilla. This carnival has been declared by UNESCO as one of the “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”. That’s a mouthful, but it really is amazing! It’s important to share this with our students not only because of its recognition but also because it’s an opportunity to bring some language to the classes in a colorful way. It’s also worth mentioning that this is the city where Shakira was born and raised.
I am a big fun of using Google Earth when doing cultural explorations. You can also add the use of a play passport. With your students, first locate Colombia and the Barranquilla. Bring the language alive by asking questions such as:
¿En qué continente está Colombia?
¿Qué lengua se habla en Colombia?
¿Dónde está Barranquilla?
¿En el norte o en el sur?
¿Qué pasa en Barranquilla en febrero?
Carnival time is a happy one in Barranquilla. Dances, parades and even children celebration in their schools. Here is a short video of “El Carnaval de Barranquilla”.
One of the most iconic characters is “La Marimonda”. It’s a funny character – a combination of monkey and elephant.
Here is a cute video of two children trying to figure out what “La Marimonda” really is.
Children recreate Marimonda dances at school.
Here is a video of a professional group of dancers doing “La Marimonda” dance.
A video of the history of the Marimonda.
Now it’s your turn! Have your students create their own Marimondas and get ready to celebrate carnival in your class with this story and activities. You can find it on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Running a summer program in Spanish? Don’t worry! Mundo de Pepita and I have you covered. Here we’re sharing some activities that can help you enrich your summer program.
There is nothing like learning a language with good music that inspires not only children but also grown ups. This is what I feel when I listen to the “Here from There” music CD, that the songs are suitable for any age.
This CD is filled with 10 songs that would enrich just about any curriculum and can bring joy to any home. Some of the songs are in English, some are in Spanish, and some are bilingual.
Nathalia is completely bilingual — a major plus when looking for songs to teach a language to children. She also brings alive many rhythms from Colombia, especially from the coast. One of my favorite songs is called “Mi Carrito” (My Little Car) which literally will make you feel that you are in El Carnaval de Barranquilla, and you will feel transported straight to the festivities.
Nathalia is orginally from Colombia and is an experienced musician who graduated from Boston’s Berklee College of Music. Her CD clearly reflects her love for music and children. You can learn more about Nathalia on her website “More Than Música” and stay connected with her on Facebook.
Want This Awesome Music CD? A lucky reader will get to have this music CD and bring the party and learning home.The winner will be announced on my blog on June 7th, 2013.
I was very excited when I received Sara’s music CD, “Más canciones en español.” My excitement took on a life of its own when I listened to her songs. What a sweet and lovely voice! It’s very nice to discover a new artist with a young voice and music that promote a fun learning environment while also teaching culture. Every day I realize there is so much talent out there 🙂 Many of the songs on Sara’s CD are traditional and bring alive diverse Mexican rhythms. Even better, this music CD is suitable for children who are just learning Spanish as a second language and children who are growing up in a bilingual environment. What a great teaching tool to have in Spanish class or at home!
One of my favorite songs is “El Dragón” which is very short and provides a lot of repetition that makes it easy to teach. Another one that is a fave – not only in my casa, but also in my classes – is “Los Pollitos.” Sara did a very nice job making this song enjoyable, inspiring children ask for it in every Spanish class.
I can’t forget to mention that my heart jumped for joy when I heard her version of one of the most beautiful traditional Andean songs in existence,“Carnavalito Humauaqueño.” This song is a “must have.” As with many of her songs, this one promotes culture and is perfect to support a unit about the Andes region. Plus, it will really get your students jumping!
This music CD is a treasure. I highly recommend it to parents and educators who are in search of beautiful songs that teach and promote cultural understanding. I am sure you will love it as much as my students and I do!