Bringing the Winter Olympics to your Spanish class is a fun way to engage your students. This time the Winter Olympics will be in Sochi, Russia. What a great opportunity to pull out a map or visit Google Earth to locate the country and your current locations. Visiting an online gallery of Russia sounds very exciting and could be also used an a opportunity to invite your students to talk about what they see. You could ask you students to tell you about colors, clothes, weather and so on depending on their level.

The games will host athletes from 88 countries representing 7 sports divided in 15 disciplines:

Taken from Wikipedia
For the purpose of the class I recommend you to use just the names of the sports: el esquí, el patinaje, el biatlón, el curling, el bobsleigh, el hockey sobre el hielo y el snowboard.

For this project you will need to have access to the internet to visit the website for the Winter Olympics. You will also need to download the printable for this activity HERE.
Your students will need to visit the link where the athletes are listed. They will need to find the information presented in the sample below:

Download HERE

After completing their own cards, each student will need to get ready to be interviewed by other classmates. Each of them will need to use the information in the picture below to respond to questions that the other students will ask:

Download HERE
Students can also print pictures of the athletes to make masks to use during their interviews.
Have fun!