Sing, sing, sing! Songs for the otoño!

I know many of you are getting ready in advance for your lesson! Here is a group of videos that I have created and hope help you get ready for the fall! Have fun singing in Spanish!

Hojas, hojas (Leaves, leaves)

Cinco Calabazas (Five Pumpkins)

Yo soy un pavo ( I am a turkey)

Have fun singing in Spanish!

Sí, no

Si, no

This song is very short but catchy. Children really enjoy sing this song  a lot!

Materials needed

Teaching tips

  • Use a similar procedure to the one used in the previous activity “Las vocals”
  • Ask the puppets different questions, and if possible, use pictures. For example:
            Ask the puppet
                   ¿Te gusta comer brócoli con chocolate?
            Have the puppet answer:

  • Use similar and simple questions. Then have the puppet ask the children the same.
  • Introduce the song and have the children sing along with the puppet.

The Groundhog will be out soon!

Click HERE to find more activities on TpT

The Groundhog will be out soon and we need to get ready to say “hola” in our classes.  You might like to try this in your classes:

Teaching Tips

Materials: In preparation for this activity, you will need to use a groundhog coloring page and paste it on a piece of black construction paper and cut it out, letting them see the shape of the groundhog. You will also need a set of flashlights.

Use the flashlight to project the groundhog’s shadow and have the groundhog hide from it.

With older children, tape a piece of white paper on a wall and project their shadow using a flashlight. Have the children take turns and trace a few shadows.

Have a set of flashlights and have one part of the class chase the other part with a flashlight. In family classes, parents or caregivers can play with the shadows along with their child.

Hide the groundhog in the room and have the children find it.

Dance to the rhythm of “La Marmota” song. Sample the song on Amazon.

Have fun playing the game!

Halloween Song: Cinco Calabazas


This song is perfect to review feelings and emotions. I love teaching it to my second graders.
I cut out five paper pumpkins so the children can show their faces (see picture above). They each pick a feeling in the song, while the rest of the class chants/sings the song. Each child has to show the face that matches the feeling they picked. They love doing it over and over again and have a lot of fun seeing their friends’ facial expressions.

Cinco calabazas sentadas en su casa,

una calabaza se siente muy cansada.
Cuatro calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente asustada.
Tres calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente enojada.
Dos calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente muy frustrada.
Una calabaza sentada en su casa,
una calabaza se siente sorprendida.
Cinco calabazas sentadas en su casa,
y cuando sale el sol se sienten muy felices.


Author: 1-2-3 Spanish Together™ ©2009

Have fun singing in Spanish!


First Week of School: Two Songs for Teaching Greetings & Introductions

Song # 1: Hola amigos – Hi Friends

Hola amigos ¿cómo están? (Hi friends -boys-, how are you?)
Muy bien! (Very well). 
Hola, amigas ¿cómo están? (Hi friends -girls-, how are you?)

Muy bien! (Very well).

Bienvenidos amigos (welcome(boys)),

Bienvenidas amigas (welcome (girls))

Bienvenidos, bienvenidas, la, la, la,

Bienvenidos, bienvenidas, la, la, la.

• Use a friendly puppet to introduce the song. Have a short interaction with the puppet:
You: Hola, ¿cómo estas?
Puppet: Muy bien gracias
Puppet and you: Bienvenido, bienvenida a la clase de español .
• Pass the ball in the circle asking each student “Hola, ¿cómo estas?” and giving them the opportunity to answer “muy bien gracias”.
Invite students to volunteer using two puppets with the same question and answer.
• Make instruments with recycled materials such as cereal boxes, milk bottles, and spoons. Have students sing the song while playing instruments. Divide the class in two groups. Ask one side of the class to sing “hola, ¿cómo estas? And have the other group respond “muy bien”

Song #2: ¿Cómo te llamas tú? / What’s your name?
 Click here to sample or buy song

A, E, I, O,U
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
(What’s your name?)
A, E, I, O, U
Yo me llamo Julián
(My name is Julián)
A, E, I, O, U
¿Cómo te llamas tú?
(What’s your name?)
A, E, I, O, U
Yo me llamo Alana
(My name is Alana)

• Bring a puppet to class. Introduce it by saying “Yo me llamo ….”(my name is), and then say “¿Cómo te llamas tú?” (what’s your name) pointing at the puppet and have the puppet respond to you.
• Have a puppet ask the children in class ¿cómo te llamas tú?
• Have the class stand up in a circle. Throw a ball while asking “¿cómo te llamas tú? They should respond by saying “yo me llamo…” or simply say their name and throw the ball back to you, and then proceed to sit back down.

• Variation:
The student with the ball responds to the question saying “Yo me llamo…” and then throws the ball to another classmate asking “¿Cómo te llamas”. Once their classmates answer, the student who had the ball previously can sit. The game continues until they are all seated.

¡Feliz regreso a la escuela!