Celebrate New Year’s with Corre, Año Viejo, Corre: A Fun Spanish Story for Students and Language Teachers
The Año Viejo is a New Year’s Eve tradition celebrated in Colombia and other Latin American countries. This custom involves burning a life-sized doll, traditionally filled with fireworks, gunpowder, or straw. The Año Viejo symbolizes the end of a cycle, leaving behind the negative and setting new goals, almost like pressing a reset button. It can also be a way to express political opinions, depending on who the doll represents. There are also smaller versions of the “Año Viejo.” Burning the doll is a family tradition and a community event shared among neighbors, streets, or neighborhoods. Regardless of the doll’s size, this celebration is always accompanied by the song ¡El Año Nuevo!, blending joy with nostalgia. But most importantly, it symbolizes a new beginning.