Canciones para el Día de la Madre

Les comparto mis canciones favoritas para esta celebración tan especial. 
Te quiero mucho mamá
Mamá yo quiero: Esta canción no está relacionada con la celebración pero es una buena oportunidad para enseñar la frase “yo quiero”.

A mi mamá
Esa es mi mamá
Esta vídeo no es de una canción. Es una manualidad simple y curiosa para llevarla a casa para mamá.

Huevos de plástico en la clase de ELE

¡Esta en una de mis épocas favoritas! Los huevos de plástico para las Pascua están por todos lados en el mercado. Una excelente oportunidad para comprar unos cuantos y encontrarles uso en la clase de español. A continuación les compartiré algunas ideas contándoles como los he usado en mis clases.

1. “Brain Breaks o “descansos mentales”

Es una manera para salir de la rutina y que los estudiantes escojan de manera sorpresiva el “brain break” o actividad de descanso mental.  Pare esto necesitas haber enseñado los descansos mentales antes de imprimir la ficha con el nombre en el huevo de plástico. Les sugiero algunos cuantos. Por favor visita los enlaces para conocerlos.

2. Adivinanzas

La idea es esconder en el huevo de plástico una foto o material manipulativo  que sea  la respuesta de la adivinanza. Debes enumerar los huevos de plástico y las fichas con la adivinanza.

3. Los pollitos

Los huevos de plástico, especialmente los amarillos son perfectos para hacer pollitos. Simplemente necesitas marcadores permanentes. La foto muestra  lo sencillo que es hacerlo. Enseña la canción “los pollitos”, imprime las letras de la canción, las pones dentro del pollito y listo. Es una actividad que se puede enviar a casa para que los niños canten la canción a su familia.

4. Organiza las oraciones,  historias o palabras

Dependiendo del nivel de tus estudiantes, puedes contar tiras de papel con palabras u oraciones para que tus estudiantes las organicen. Estor huevos también pueden ser una herramienta útil para la construcción de palabras.

5. Los sentimientos

Esta es una de mis actividades favoritas. Dibuja una carita con una expresión sobre la tapa más grande del huevo de plástico. Escribe la palabra que va con la emoción. Mezcla los colores. Los estudiantes deben leer y organizar los huevos de acuerdo a la emoción y la palabra. Los puedes convertir en una competencia. Puedes tomar el tiempo y ver quien puede juntas los huevos en el menor tiempo posible.

¡Manos a la obra! Descarga tus imprimibles para llevar estas actividades a tu clase.

¿Se te ocurre otra idea? Por favor compártela en el espacio de los comentarios. ¡Me encantaría escucharla!

Con cariño,


Biblioburro for Spanish Class

This is one of the most inspirational stories I have ever heard, so I’ll try my best to tell it! Someone with amazing creativity and desire to help saw a problem, that many children in the remote parts of Colombia had no access to books. Of course this not only happens in Colombia, it happens in different corners of the world, but I am sure that if Luis Soriano had the power to get to every single part of the world where a book was needed, he would be there putting a book in the hands of many children.  

This dedicated librarian was a third grade teacher when he started to use his two “burros” (donkeys) Alfa and Beto to bring his mobile library to the children of La Gloria, Magdalena.  This region of Colombia has been forgotten and neglected for years, and it has a high rate of poverty and minimal access to education for young people. Many of the children here travel long miles to reach their schools. Luis and his two burros (donkeys) “Alfa” and “Beto” (“alphabet”) travel to see them every week, fording rivers, and walking for miles along unpaved and dusty roads, carrying books for the children.

His work has been widely covered by the media, including a documentary made by PBS. Luis has gained significant fame around the word due to his creativity and desire to make change, but unfortunately his organization still needs money to survive and  to continue giving access to books where children need them. 

Bring the love of “El Biblioburro” to your classes! I created a set of free resources for you to use with your students. These resources are for anybody to use in their classrooms, but if you are familiar with TPRS, you will love this story!

Just click on the picture to download the story, teaching tips, worksheets and more!

Have fun sharing about Luis, Alfa and Beto!



I have been in love with the Interactive Notebooks since day one! It’s a fun way to keep your students engaged with hands on activities that will help them feel a sense of pride. You will hear them asking when they can take the notebook home to share with their families or teach Spanish to their siblings. Interactive Notebooks are a great tool for teaching for Spanish if used correctly. Given that I emphasize oral aspects of language learning, I normally wait to use Interactive Notebooks until the end of a unit or story. They are a way for students to keep track of what we do during the school year and for me to gather qualitative data in an authentic, developmental format.

Here are my top 5 activities for Interactive Notebooks:

1. Así soy yo: In this activity students can describe themselves and write about their likes and dislikes in Spanish.

2. Los colores: This activity goes beyond helping students identify colors in Spanish. It turns into a fun memory game!
3. El Calendario: This definitely is an interactive way to help students remember months, days of the week and seasons in Spanish. Students can also use it anytime when they need to talk about the date.
4. La Familia: Students enjoy learning names for family members with the flower activity. This has room for them to describe their own families. This set includes a variety of activities for different levels.
5. Mi Armario: Students have a lot of fun putting this activity together! They get to customize it and talk about what the doll should wear according to the weather. There is also space for them to write about what they have in their closets.
Also, visit my post “5 Reasons to Use Interactive Notebooks” in Spanish class.  Find many more resources for Interactive Notebooks in my TpT store!
Have fun!

Teaching Spanish to Preschoolers

(Affiliate links included in this post)

Although teaching preschoolers could be one of the most rewarding activities in the whole world, it’s is also tiring if you are not ready for their energy and to keep them engaged. A great thing about this age group is how honest they could be. They immediately will let you know if something dislike them or makes them feel bored. They also get excited with simple things too! And yes, their memories are photographic! There have been a few times when I rely on them to help me remember songs or games we have played in class.

They all want to get a turn in the same class, so be ready to keep track of who has gotten turns because they will complain if give turns to the same people. Get used to see them moving a lot on the rug, because the tiny chairs don’t work for them! We are better off to have our classes sitting in a circle on a rug.

They really benefit of knowing the rules of the class and what you expect from them. Constant reminder of what you expect from them is important! You also have to make you extra plan for them because their attention spam is short that they will need a rich variety of activities. I say plan a little extra because you never know what will caught their attention. You need to be able to read how engaged and excited they are with certain activity.

And yes, let’s talk about germs! When one of the gets a cold, everyone else gets it. If you are using props that you will need to pass around  cleaning after using them will help you stay healthy and stop spreading the germs.Those cute little voices singing will fill your heart. Be ready to love them and to feel loved!

Props They Love!

This is a list of props I know my students really enjoy! Please feel free to add more in the comments! I would love to hear yours!

Puppets: They enjoy having  puppet friends in class, but make sure they are not spooky. Some of them are really afraid of clowns! Here you can find some tips for using puppets in your class! 

Parachute: Parachute time is one of the activities where everyone can participate at the same time. They love it, and they can fairly easily get out of control, so make sure you talk about the rules every single time you use it in class. My rules are simple: don’t get on it or under it, wait for me to shake it, and the let go of the handles when I sing our clean up song.  We use the parachute to count, placing a ball on it and counting for how long they can keep it going. I also use the parachute to review vocabulary; for example, I can ask them, what do you want on the parachute? A fish or a dolphin? I have them chant their choice. You can find more ideas and a song to use the parachute in this post.

Magic Box/Bag: I have never seen a preschooler not get excited about what could be inside the magic box I bring to class. This is a wonderful way to get everyone engaged. I hide flash cards, plastic animals, pieces of felt of different colors, whatever can support what we have been learning.

Small White Boards: I recently discovered that my kindergarteners love using dry erase boards with markers and tiny erasers in class. We mostly use them to write numbers.

I once had a dream of being a singer for children, but I gave up and left the job for Rockalingua and other talented singers out there. 
I recorded a few songs and decided to put them in a playlist to share them with you. I have used them with my students because they don’t really care how I sound. I know for sure that they have fun with them! Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

Have fun!