“Los Pollitos” is one of those traditional songs that everyone who grew up in a Spanish speaking country knows from childhood. It’s catchy, cute, and fun so I make sure to teach it every year to my Kindergarten students. I am sharing some ideas that I use while teaching this song.

Use TPR while teaching the song. I like using American sign language, or I sometimes create the gestures along with my students. Click on the links below to see some of the signs for the song:

dicen  pio, pio, pio
cuando tienen hambre,
cuando tiene frio. 
el maiz y  el trigo
y les presta abrigo (I use love /hug for this one).
Bajo sus dos alas, (I point at the arms and bend them like wings),
Accurrucaditos, (again use sign for love or hug)
Hasta el otro día, (ASL fornext/ day“)

Make props to use while singing the song. Download them HERE!

After singing the song, your students can color a simple page related to the song.

I’ve had the chance in previous schools to have real chicks in the classroom and sing the song to them. We don’t have real pollitos now, but I still have fun teaching this song. 

Watch a time-lapse video of little chicks hatching

There are different versions of the song on YouTube. Choose the one you like or think works best for your classes.

Have fun singing!

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