If you are like me, and you enjoy incorporating the monarch butterfly in your classes, you will love this adaptation of the evolution game. I call it “El ciclo de la mariposa.”

Before playing this game, students need to understand how to play the rock, paper, scissors game in Spanish. I use a visual like the one below and play the game to make sure that students understand it and also to give them vocabulary in Spanish.

Once students know how to play the piedra, papel, tijeras game, I proceed to show the instructions to add the El ciclo de la mariposa game.  I only use three stages of the life cycle, which are oruga, crisálida, and mariposa.

Playing the game:

1. Each student will find a classmate to play piedra, papel and tijeras.

2. Everyone starts out as an oruga, which is a kind of seated snuggle up.

3. After playing piedra, papel, tijeras, whoever wins will move to the next stage or one stage up,  which in this case is crisálida. For this position, students put their arms up like making a house.

4. At this point, orugas can only play with orugas, and crisálidas can only play with crisálidas. Play piedra, papel, tijeras, and, once again, whoever wins will move one level up. If a crisálida loses, that student will go back to being an oruga.  For the butterfly stage, students move around the room flapping their arms and pretending to be butterflies. Now, orugas play with orugas, crisálidas with crisálidas, and mariposas with mariposas. Whoever loses will always go back to being an oruga.

You can decide how long to play the game. Whoever gets to be a mariposa wins the game. (There can be multiple winners)


Click HERE to download the game!

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