If you teach elementary students you know that they will make sure to remind you that it’s their birthday! And if they have a birthday in the summer, make sure to find a date during the school year to sing their birthday because they will come back the following year to let you know that you forgot to sing for them and you might have to do it twice. Here are some some songs that you might like to teach your students to celebrate their birthday. Also, stop by my TpT store to download the free birthday certificates to give to each of them after you sing the song.
Here are some songs that are great for elementary students:
This short version of the birthday song is great for preschoolers since all it says is “cumpleaños feliz”
This video is just too cute! The song is also great for lower elementary students. This video includes a karaoke version as well.
I love the tropical sounds in this video. It’s also very short and the pace is perfect for the children to follow along.
This is a fun video that allows children to sing a long. Simple and repetitive!
This one is by far my favorite song because it brings to the classroom rhythms from the Colombian Pacific. The sounds of the marimba and drums are vivid. The downside is that the song is long for elementary students. I used Youtube Trimmer to have it set up just where I wanted. I have been using this song with my 1-5 grade students and we all love it!
As part of my birthday routine I have a PowerPoint with a cake that we use to ask the cumpleañero (birthday person) who old he or she is. We count the candles until we get to the birthday person’s age. The candles appear one by one.
This is a screenshot of the Interactive Calendar at my TpT store.
Happy Singing!