The end of 2020 is here! What a difficult year for everyone. In the midst of hard times trying to stay positive was helpful for me. Admittedly, some days and weeks were easier than others to keep my head up. In Latin America, we have a New Year’s song whose chorus goes: “I won’t forget last year, because it has left me with so many good things!” while we simultaneously go to extra lengths to rid ourselves of bad memories and energy by burning the Año Viejo (Old Year). So it goes, year after year, a recognition of the good, bad, and ugly. But 2020 was particularly intense.
2020 made it possible for me to become closer to friends who live states away and across oceans. I have been able to spend more time with my children and see them grow and enjoy them. I have been able to take ukelele, salsa lessons, and yoga classes via Zoom, I have also developed new routines like drinking coffee on Saturday morning with my parents on WhatsApp. I still can’t tell if our dogs are grateful or not for having us around all the time!
It was also difficult for me not to be able to go to Colombia and to learn that friends have been taken away by this pandemic and that close family members in Colombia have also been affected by it. I feel extremely lucky that I still have a job, as I am aware that is not the case for many people. I’m keeping them in my thoughts during these hard times!
I am grateful for your continuous support of my work. Coming to read my blog, interacting with me on social media, purchasing my resources, downloading my freebies, and so on! Just know that everything I do here is with deep passion and love for teaching languages and connecting with teachers from all over the world. Your messages continue to inspire me! ¡Gracias!
Cheers for a healthy 2021 and hoping that soon we will be able to see our loved ones and friends – and give them the longest, squeeziest hugs ever!
Here are the most-read posts on my blog during 2020!
5. Virtual Field Trips for Spanish Class
4. Create Your Bitmoji Classroom
3. Spanish Jokes for Elementary School
2. Canción: El Monstruo de la Laguna
1. Spanish Resources for Home Learning
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!