A song about farm animals in Spanish: La finca del tío Ramón
Farm animals are always a hit in early elementary classes.This fun and repetitive song will be a great addition to your activities. Here are some ideas to use along with this song:
•Find Colombia on a map.
• Show a farm and the different animals. Introduce Tío Ramón (Uncle Ramón) and tell them that he lives on a finca (farm). Introduce the different animals and tell them the dog makes a different sound in Spanish. The dog says “guau, guau”.
• Have children make the sounds of the different animals when you name them in Spanish. You can also ask them the colors of the animals to link to the lesson on colors.
• Animal bag: Place different animals in a bag. Blindfold a child and ask him/her to reach in the bag and pull out an animal. Have the child guess the animal. Other children can give cues about the animal.
• Animal dice: Use a square shaped box and place pictures of different animals on every square. Have the children throw the dice while naming the animal and saying the sound it makes.
La finca del tío Ramón / Uncle Ramón’s farm
En las montañas de Colombia está la finca del tío Ramón,
En las montañas de Colombia está la finca del tío Ramón.
En la finca hay una vaca y la vaca hace muu.
En la finca hay un perro y el perro hace guau, guau
En la finca hay un pato y el pato hace cuac, cuac.
En la finca hay una oveja y la oveja hace baaa.
En la finca hay un gato y el gato hace miau.
Uncle Ramon’s farm is in the Colombian mountains,
Uncle Ramon’s farm is in the Colombian mountains.
There is a cow on the farm, and the cow goes moo.
There is a dog on the farm, and the dog goes woof.
There is a duck on the farm, and the duck goes quack.
There is a sheep on the farm, and the sheep goes baaa.
There is a cat on the farm, and the cat goes meow.
Uncle Ramon’s farm is in the Colombian mountains,
Uncle Ramon’s farm is in the Colombian mountains.