Simone is an African American girl who is curious about life. In the book, Simone Visita el Museo, she gets to plan an outing with her mom to an exciting place, but before going out she and her brother need to do some chores around the house. Her brother and dad stay home doing more chores while Simone and her mom get on a bus to go to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. After visiting the museum, Simone and her mom explore Washington DC., have lunch together, and meet up with her dad and brother which makes Simone’s adventure complete.
Simone Visita el Museo was originally written in English by Dr. Kelsi Bracmort, and it has been beautifully translated into Spanish. Although the level of this book is a little high for my elementary Spanish learners (I teach in a FLES program), the illustrations are a great starter to talk about routines and activities around the city. It’s also a valuable book for my heritage language speakers who can easily enjoy reading this book by themselves.
Simone Visita el Museo honors the diversity in many of the classrooms in the United States. This book definitely deserves a special and noticeable place in your school or classroom library. I strongly suggest getting the English version for the students who wish to read it in their L1!
Simone Visita el Museo will be released on September 24th, 2019. Pre-order your copy on Amazon! Meanwhile, enjoy the English version which is also available on Amazon.