Halloween Activity Set & Freebie!

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Halloween is around the corner! I have uploaded a Halloween coloring activity set to my TpT store. You will find a coloring book, flashcards for your students to decorate, an origami fortune teller, and a crossword. These activities will help your students practice vocabulary related to Halloween!

A Freebie for You!

Origami fortune tellers bring a lot of fun to language classes. I have also uploaded this freebie to my TpT store. Just follow THIS LINK to grab it! This “comecocos” is a color version of the one included in my Halloween coloring activity set.

Online Free Spanish has a great video that will show you step by step how to fold your “Comecocos.”
Have fun teaching!

Halloween Activities for Spanish Class!

Click HERE to buy!
Are you looking for fun activities in Spanish for your class? Look no further! This pack includes a lot of great activities for Halloween, from singing to putting together a coloring book. A total of 42 colorful pages that you and your students will love!

1. Mp3Song: ¡Hoy es Halloween! (Yes, the audio is included!)
2. Flash cards that go along with the song.
3. 10 BINGO cards
4. Memory game
5. Coloring book
6. Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin
7. A lot of fun!

Have fun celebrating Halloween in Spanish class!

Halloween Song: Cinco Calabazas


This song is perfect to review feelings and emotions. I love teaching it to my second graders.
I cut out five paper pumpkins so the children can show their faces (see picture above). They each pick a feeling in the song, while the rest of the class chants/sings the song. Each child has to show the face that matches the feeling they picked. They love doing it over and over again and have a lot of fun seeing their friends’ facial expressions.

Cinco calabazas sentadas en su casa,

una calabaza se siente muy cansada.
Cuatro calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente asustada.
Tres calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente enojada.
Dos calabazas sentadas en su casa,
una calabaza se siente muy frustrada.
Una calabaza sentada en su casa,
una calabaza se siente sorprendida.
Cinco calabazas sentadas en su casa,
y cuando sale el sol se sienten muy felices.


Author: 1-2-3 Spanish Together™ ©2009

Have fun singing in Spanish!
