Activities for Parachute Time

A successful summer camp has a *play parachute! Parachute time is one of those activities where you can engage children of different ages to play together. I have also never met a child who doesn’t love participating in parachute time. Before using the parachute, explain your rules to the group to make it safe. I keep it simple. My rules are:
1. Don’t go under the parachute without being asked.
2. Don’t go on top of the parachute without being asked.
3. Don’t shake the parachute without being asked.
4. Let go when I say it’s time to do so.
Once in a while you will have a student who decides not to follow, so for safety reasons I might ask the student to observe and then re-join the game when he/she knows he/she is ready to play it safe.
One more thing is that sometimes there are not enough handles in the parachute for the children to hold onto. I let them know in advance that some of them won’t be getting a handle, but there are other parts at the edge of the parachute where they can grab,  too.
Here are some fun activities to play while using the parachute:
Number Tag: Make a circle and everyone holds a handle or part of the parachute. Assign numbers to each child. You will need a number caller. His/her job will be to choose who tags who. For example:
Uno y cinco. The number that gets called first has to tag the second number. They will have to run around the parachute and can also go under. Their turn ends when the tagger tags the other child. You decide when to end the game.
Singing Ball: Place a ball in the middle of the parachute. Have the group sing a song in Spanish while shaking the parachute. If the ball falls off the parachute while singing the song, they will have to start all over again. The game ends when they are all able to sing the song while keeping the ball on the parachute.
Counting Ball or Object: Set a goal with the group of how high they want to count in Spanish. Let’s say the group decides that “veinte” is their goal. Place the ball in the middle of the parachute and the children should shake the parachute and start counting in Spanish. Just like the Singing Ball game, the game ends when they are able to say all the numbers while keeping the ball on the parachute.
Salsacaídas:  This game is the combination of Salsa music and paracaídas (parachute). Choose a few salsa songs for your group to dance to. “Vivir mi vida” and “La Gozadera” have been hits in my classes and are also long enough for the children to take turns dancing. Children can go in pairs or by themselves. Everyone holds the parachute high and shakes it while playing the songs. Children take turns dancing under the parachute. You decide how long you want the activity to go.
Last, but not least, I have another post with a fun song to use while playing the parachute. Follow this link to read it.
Have fun!
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Las Ollitas {Traditional Game}

This is a fun game that is played in many Latin American countries. It’s simple, fun, and doesn’t require much preparation.  There are different versions of this game. I am sharing with you the one I remember playing with my friends in a (then) small neighborhood outside of Cali, Colombia. You will need a minimum of six participants to play the game. Each team will have three participants. One person is placed in the middle in a squatting position, grasping their hands between their legs. The two other members of the team have to pretend to prepare el “sancocho,” which is a traditional soup in Latin America. They have to pretend they are adding the ingredients to the bowl while saying the lines below:

Para preparar el sancocho,
pongo el pollo,
pongo la yuca,
pongo la papa,
pongo la mazorca,
lo pongo al fuego.

¡El sancocho ya está listo!

When everyone is done making the sancocho together, the game turns into a competition. You will need to set a finish line for everyone to get to. The team who makes it to the finish line first wins the game. You can continue playing until everyone gets tired of it. I recommend playing the game on a field with grass so nobody gets hurt.
This is a video of a Scout Troop playing a version of “las ollitas” game.

Variation: You can use visuals for the students to use while playing the game.

Have fun!

¿Quién Soy? Game {Beach Ball Version}

Second day of sharing! Yay! This activity is for second graders and up! For this activity you will need *inflatable beach balls and permanent markers. This will be a great introduction activity. Distribute the balls to each child. They will have to complete the following sentences:

1. Yo tengo _____ años.
2. Mi color favorito es ____________.
3. Mi animal favorito es ___________.
4. Mi número favorito es __________.
5. Yo tengo ojos de color __________.
6. Yo tengo pelo de color __________.
7. Yo soy un niño/ una niña.
8. ¿Quién soy?
Have you students make a circle. Place the balls in the middle of the circle. Give your students turns to read one ball each and guess who the student is.  The game ends when everyone in class has had a turn to read or guess the name of a student or have been found. Now, time to play with the balls!

¡Feliz verano!

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Summer in Spanish: Bubble Time!

Last year, Julie from Mundo de Pepita shared some ideas for summer camps. We decided to keep the tradition alive and here is my first sharing.

Bubbles are always fun to add to your summer camp! It’s a great opportunity to learn some opposite words such as sube, baja, grande and pequeño. You can also count the bubbles while popping them. I was able to find *bubbles that stick for a long time so it allows me to play with the language. 

This song is a really great opportunity to take your class outside to play with bubbles while singing in Spanish. Introduce the word burbujas in Spanish.

Have the children call out the bubbles along with you: ¡BUUUUUURRRRRBUUUUJAS!

Play the song while children play with the bubbles.

Stop by Mundo de Pepita’s blog to read her awesome activity for summer camps in Spanish!
Happy Summer!
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Canción: El Monstruo de la Laguna

Canción: El Monstruo de la Laguna

En una de mis exploraciones por canciones en YouTube me encontré con esta joya. Es una canción divertida que enseña las partes del cuerpo a ritmo de Cumbia. Además de ser divertida, usa un ritmo tradicional, tiene mucha repetición, lo que hace que sea de uso fácil en una clase de ELE (español como lengua extranjera) para niños. No se diga más, los dejo con “El monstruo de la laguna”, interpretada por el grupo argentino “Canticuénticos”.

Al monstruo de la laguna…. 
le gusta bailar la cumbia…. 
Se empieza a mover seguro 
de a poquito y sin apuro. 
El monstruo de la laguna 
empieza a mover la panza, 
para un lado y para el otro, 
parece una calabaza. 
Mueve la panza….. 
pero no le alcanza.
El monstruo de la laguna 
empieza a mover las manos, 
para un lado y para el otro 
como si fueran gusanos. 
Mueve las manos, 
mueve la panza….. 
pero no le alcanza.
El monstruo de la laguna 
empieza a mover los hombros, 
para un lado y para el otro 
poniendo cara de asombro. 
Mueve los hombros, 
mueve las manos, 
mueve la panza…
pero no le alcanza.
El monstruo de la laguna 
empieza con la cadera. 
Para un lado y para el otro 
pesado se bambolea. 
Mueve la cadera, 
mueve los hombros, 
mueve las manos, 
mueve la panza…
pero no le alcanza.
El monstruo de la laguna 
empieza a mover los pies, 
para un lado y para el otro 
del derecho y del revés. 
Mueve los pies, 
mueve la cadera, 
mueve los hombros, 
mueve las manos, 
mueve la panza…
pero no le alcanza.
El monstruo de la laguna…
se para con la cabeza… 
con las patas para arriba…
¡Mirá que broma traviesa! 
Mueve la cabeza, 
mueve los pies, 
mueve la cadera, 
mueve los hombros, 
mueve las manos, 
mueve la panza… 

Hasta que se cansa.